Monday, May 10, 2021

Dryer Vent Repair & Cleaning Oklahoma City – Dryer Vents And Fires!

dryer vent cleaning OKC

dryer vent cleaning Oklahoma City


It may be hard to believe, but dry fires are a fairly common cause of home fires, so what are you doing to prevent them from occurring in your home? In fact, there are more house fires in the US caused by dryer vents than any other type of fire. To reduce the risk of a home fire by using dry ventilation systems, the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) recommends that all your dry ventilation systems be cleaned and inspected annually by a CSIA-certified dry cleaning technician. Read on as we discuss how to prevent a fire and what to do if it happens.

If you have not had your vents cleaned for more than a year, you run the risk of a fire. If you know your deaerator is overdue for cleaning or if you find that it takes longer for your dryer to dry or overheat a load of laundry, call Appliance Repair OKC Services to make an appointment for a deaeration. No matter how clear it is, if there is evidence that you or your dry ventilation systems are overdue cleaning or you believe that there has been a fire, we can provide you with the help you need.

A Dryer Lint Alarm takes the guesswork out of fire safety and home security, especially when it comes to tumble dryers. Most people know that they need to keep their dry vents and vent openings clean, but fire hazard is not so easy to check. We would like to explain why tumble dryers can pose a fire hazard and why professional ventilation cleaning has other advantages.

The U.S. Fire Department reports that 34 percent of all reported dry fires each year are caused by the failure to clean lint traps. About a third of these fires are caused by a failure to clean clothes and dryers, which leads to clogged vents. A dirt dryer can cause the dryer to overheat, burn off its mechanical components and fail. When your dryer is running at high temperatures, the heat edge comes through and the life of your clothes decreases.

Most dry fires are caused by easily flammable lint getting caught in the dry vents and being heated up to ignition. This creates a dry burn because the heat builds up and the lint builds up, and these lint are extremely combustible.

While lint formation is the most common cause of dry fires, other causes are flammable objects stacked in dryers. Although these fires are mainly caused by lint formation, they also occur in other areas of the home: 27 percent of all dry fires start when dust fibers and lint ignite, according to the National Fire Protection Association.

Lint and additional dirt can accumulate in clothing and dry vents, causing dryers to suck out less than optimal efficiency. LINT and additional debris that can accumulate and escape into clothing, and dry vents that leak out at more than optimum efficiency and can cause fires.

Most fires in tumble dryers are caused by lint accumulating in the hot engine components, but there are other causes. Most people think that you only have to clean the LINT traps after each load to prevent a fire from breaking out in the tumble dryer. There are actually several other things you should do to prevent fires from emanating from your dryers. Be careful what you put in it, keep it clean and be aware of all the fire hazards associated with your dryer. If flammable lint gets caught in a drying pipe and heated to ignition, it can cause a fire, even if there are other causes.

For dryer vent repair and cleaning in Oklahoma City contact Appliance Repair OKC Services by calling 405-378-4566 or visit our website at or visit our Google business page to day at Don’t run the risk of a fire when they can be prevented. Call today for service!


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