Thursday, May 27, 2021

Freezer Reapair In OKC – My Food Gets Freezer Burned In The Freezer?

freezer repair Oklahoma City OK

Young Male Repairman Fixing Freezer In Kitchen


Most of us think of freezer burns as those annoying ice crystals growing on our food, but they are actually the result of freezer combustion. Freeze burns occur when food is stored in the freezer for too long, allowing moisture to escape and turn into an ice crystal.

Freeze burns occur when the surface of the food is exposed to cold air in the freezer compartment for a prolonged period. A rapid change in temperature almost certainly leads to a freeze-burn, especially if food arrives fresh from the oven in the freezer, as in the oven.

The longer the food is in the freezer, the more burns accumulate in the freezer and the higher the temperature fluctuations the higher it rises. This also means that if you keep your food frozen, products from the freezer that are sublimated will be burned, especially if they have not been stored correctly.

If the temperature in your freezer is inconsistent, your food can thaw and re-freeze or re-thaw, creating ice crystals that migrate to the surface and cause burns in the freezer, which can happen when food migrates or becomes dehydrated. When you put hot food in the freezer, it can cause ice crystals to form, which can cause a freeze and heat it up, putting your other stored food at risk.

So don’t leave your food in the freezer too long, and if possible, it’s best to keep the frozen food as cold as possible, at least 0 degrees. It is not ideal to keep the freezer so close to 0 degrees, as opening and closing the freezer causes the temperature to fluctuate and accelerates the burning of the freezer. If you leave it open, a freezing burn can develop during the meal, but it does not cause it to burn when it is not in it.

So you see that while a freezer burn is not good for your food, it is not the end of the meal itself. Here are some practical tips to prevent burns in the freezer so that your food comes out of the freezer as well as it goes in. This practical tip not only helps you to organize in the freezer, but also prevents food from getting lost in a freezer that has no hope of salvation.

Start with a fixed place and make sure that your freezer is actually frozen and keep it at the appropriate temperature. Frozen food can be stored in the freezer to prevent it from burning, but it must be stored at appropriate temperatures and begin with fixed places.

If there is a chance that frozen hot or warm food will end up in the freezer, avoid freezing it. Hot containers in the freezer will heat up other foods in your freezer, increasing the likelihood that items will be frozen and burned by that item.

Freezers not maintaining a constant temperature or failing altogether will require an appliance repair technician to determine the cause. Freezer burn isn’t good but freezer failure will cost you a repair and food item replacement.

If you are experiencing freezer issues and need freezer repair in OKC contact Appliance Repair OKC Services by calling 405-378-4566 or visit our local website at You can also visit our Google business page at Get your freezer fixed and avoid spoiled or freezer burned food by calling for service today!


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